Cyber Security

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Triad Cyber Solutions stands out with an unwavering commitment to quality over quantity in vulnerability management. While many services focus on volume, we prioritize clarity, ensuring a streamlined approach to Threat & Vulnerability Management. Our suite of services encompasses both point-in-time and ongoing assessments, meticulously crafted to minimize false positives and enhance the security posture of your systems.

Our Approach

Our suite of services encompasses both point-in-time and ongoing assessments, meticulously crafted to minimize false positives and enhance the security posture of your systems.

1. Initial Discovery

  • Is the security issue genuinely relevant in the given environment?
  • Assessing the validity of vulnerabilities, accounting for false positives, and confirming exploitability.

2. Additional Testing

  • Manual testing techniques to confirm issues, assess severity, and gather information needed for remediation.
  • Validating software names and versions through manual fingerprinting when automated methods fall short.

3. Determining Risk

  • Evaluating if the severity level assigned by the detection tool aligns with enterprise-specific concerns.
  • Conducting a risk-based assessment for escalation or de-escalation based on the organization’s specific risks.

4. Remediation Steps

  • Verifying the accuracy of scanner-provided remediation suggestions through additional research.
  • Tailoring remediation guidance to the unique environment, avoiding generic recommendations.

5. Reporting

  • Identifying the right audience for vulnerability and remediation information, involving asset owners, developers, and managers as needed.
  • Crafting reports tailored to the technical proficiency of the audience and delivering guidance in accessible formats.

5. Retest

  • Ensuring subsequent scans do not reveal previously reported vulnerabilities, indicating successful remediation.
  • Conducting manual retests for critical or high-severity issues to confirm proper implementation of remediation.

At Triad Cyber Solutions, our cybersecurity methodology transcends the traditional approach, focusing not just on identifying vulnerabilities but on providing actionable insights tailored to your unique environment. By prioritizing accuracy and relevance in vulnerability management, we empower your organization to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with confidence.

Secure Your Digital Assets Today!

Choose Triad Cyber Solutions for a cybersecurity partnership that prioritizes quality, clarity, and effective risk mitigation. Contact us to fortify your defenses against cyber threats and secure your digital assets with confidence.