Cyber Security Audit​​​​

It all starts with an audit and understanding the current state of your systems and networks

The capabilities of technology continue to expand into uncharted territories, while compliance regulations remain right behind them. It is the same complexities that make cybersecurity not just viable, but necessary in today’s digital landscape that put you at risk to a variety of threats.

Because of their severity and invasiveness, audits are stigmatized, but that same diligence is what makes you feel confident about the security of your data. Audits of your systems and networks provide valuable information about where they are and where they should be.

How does a cybersecurity audit work?

A cybersecurity audit is a comprehensive assessment of the level of security surrounding your data infrastructure. As a result of this process, you will be able to identify threats, vulnerabilities, weak links in your security structures, and practices that are placing you at a higher risk. These audits will use specific standards developed by compliance experts to determine whether your level of security exceeds what is considered to be a baseline level of security.

Cyber Security Audit

Five Benefits of a Cybersecurity Audit

Conducting a cybersecurity audit is more than just passing a compliance test. There are specific benefits to your business that most don’t consider when deciding whether an audit is necessary. In addition to reducing downtime and saving money in the event of a cyberattack, here are five additional benefits.

1. Ensure the security of your data

Many companies assume that their proprietary information is protected. An auditing cadence ensures that the mechanisms used to breach systems such as network access control, encryption use, transmissions, and other highly sensitive activities are functioning properly. Cybersecurity attacks are not uncommon, and regular audits are the only way to ensure that you will not be a victim.

2. Take a fresh look at operations

During the process of pulling back the curtain on your digital security, you’re also gaining a unique insight into the operation of your business. By analyzing your infrastructure in depth, you will have all the information necessary to optimize not only your cybersecurity, but also your entire operation. A third-party audit provides you with an even more objective perspective and the opportunity to be even more honest about what needs to be improved.

3. Make sure your protection is adequate by identifying any gaps

The best cybersecurity solution for your organization depends on understanding what your specific challenges are. When you identify those gaps in coverage, you are able to customize an approach that is tailored to meet your specific needs.

4. Stay Ahead of Regulations

Regulations are not going away any time soon. Our industries will continue to be driven by data, and protecting this data will remain a top priority. By delaying reviewing your security systems, you are more likely to fall behind on the policies that protect your business-and not just from security threats. Penalties for non-compliance can result in significant fines that have a negative impact on your bottom line.

5. Make improvements based on recommendations

External audits provide you with fresh, expert eyes on the entire operations of your company. As a result of this unbiased assessment, coupled with your willingness to accept objective analysis, you are freed from the burden of having to comprehend the intricacies of your security requirements. This work is performed by an expert who recommends compliant solutions that protect your organization from specific threats.

Staying Audit-Ready

It is equally advantageous to remain audit-ready as it is to undergo the actual audit. Nevertheless, staying audit-ready requires time, diligence, and commitment. This is why investing in a Managed Security Service Provider that can help you remain compliant while saving you time and resources. When you implement access policies within a cloud identity governance system, you can take your hands off the wheel while the system maintains the shifting landscape of who requires access to what information.

Final Thoughts

As technology advances, so do its threats. You will feel less pressure when it comes time for a cybersecurity audit if you automate your access control systems. With Triad, you can stay abreast of the changing compliance landscape while maintaining the security of your data.